Snow-shoe hiking, skiing and the like: winter holiday with many facets

If you choose a winter holiday in Cermes, you kill two birds with one stone. One attraction is the famously mild winter in the valley around Merano, during which even in the coldest months you can sit in the sunshine in a sheltered spot, while enjoying a cup of tea or cappuccino. A stone's throw away and easily reached from Cermes, Merano and Lana by cable car, a diverse variety of mountain landscapes await their explorers. Seekers after peace and quiet, who love winter hikes through silent landscapes and skiing and snowboarding fans, who are seeking excitement on kilometres of slopes, find their heart's desire. The Merano region is the perfect departure point for many sports destinations, which are scattered in all directions and lead up to the lofty heights.

Snow-shoe hiking: on lonely trails through the silent winter

Sunlight sparkling on white fields of snow, only the crunching of steady steps through the wonderful winter scenery disturbs the silence. Pause, breathe deeply, look around you - you tear your gaze from the summits towering high above all around you.

Unspoiled natural landscapes – a paradise for lovers of silent winters

Just around the corner, in Lana is the cable car valley station for Monte San Vigilio, our local mountain. The vehicle-free Monte San Vigilio is the first stop for all those, who love "how it used to be", because this gem of Nature has remained completely protected from modern ski tourism.

Once arrived at the station a romantic old single chair lift rocks and sways its way up to the mountain and once on the col you have a view over acres of larch forest and expanses of alpine meadows. As if in a picture book, a romantic little church sits enthroned on a solitary hill.

The wide high plateau offers countless hiking trails with wonderful views into the distance - for winter hiking and for snow-shoe hiking. When everything crackles in the cold ice-skaters and curling teams enjoy themselves on the natural ice of a small lake surrounded by forest.

From the col a racy, but completely family-friendly, natural toboggan run leads down to the cable car mountain station. Speaking of families, both ski tows on the col are ideal in good snow conditions for the first attempts on skis.

Skiing, snowboarding and the like – if you have the choice...

Here today, there tomorrow. Cermes is an ideal departure point for discovering a new skiing area every day in a radius of a few kilometres. From leisurely slopes for the whole family right up to the eternal ice of mighty glaciers no wish is unfulfilled for ski and snowboard freaks.

The loveliest ski regions in a radius around Cermes:

  • Merano 2000 ski resort
  • Pfelders ski resort in Val Passiria
  • Senales Glacier ski resort
  • Schwemmalm ski resort in Val d’Ultimo
  • Monte San Vigilio ski resort

On your sledge, ready, steady, go!

The family sport par excellence for allowing the littlest ones to discover the splendour of snow is tobogganing and sledging. Even the "big ones" have fun sliding gently or racing down into the valley. The charming winter sports destinations in the Merano region also offer plenty for tobogganing fans: groomed toboggan runs, which you can reach quite conveniently by chair lift.

The charming winter sports destinations in the Merano region also offer plenty for tobogganing fans: groomed toboggan runs, which you can reach quite conveniently by chair lift.

Ice princesses and curling

In the harsh winter months, when the mountain lakes are frozen solid, such as the Schwarze Lacke lake on Monte San Vigilio, it is the season for the popular ice sports. The ice rink in the Gaulschlucht canyon near the centre of Lana is located romantically and picturesquely between steep cliff walls. In Merano the MeranArena and the ice-rink on the Piazza Terme square tempt adults and children on to the ice.