Thank goodness - a swimming pool!

Off to the open-air pool!

Off to the open-air pool! When summer broods over the vineyards and the grapes are full of sugar and juice, we often spend many days melting under the hot South Tyrolean sun. Time for the joys of the open-air pool! The pool on the Oberglunigerhof farm is located right behind the newly renovated Haus am Lebenberg and offers a deeply desired opportunity to cool off after a long hike, an enjoyable trip to the town or just because it is comfortable.

Everyone, who has a feel for energy-releasing places will welcome the peace and quiet around the open-air pool as an extra holiday gift. Start the morning by swimming a few lengths and then greet the day perhaps by flexing and stretching; spend a happy day with the children by the open-air pool and in the playground, sunbathe, play cards, just be happy.

When everyone has dressed up for the evening and the pool reflects the light of the setting sun, the aperitif at the poolside, enjoyed comfortably on a sun lounger, tastes even more delicious. Everything becomes so peaceful and silent, just wonderful!

Organic to the last detail applies of course also to our pool, which uses absolutely no chlorine or other such substances. We add a small amount of salt to the revitalised Grander® water in our swimming pool.

Organic to the last detail applies of course also to our pool, which uses absolutely no chlorine or other such substances.

Marlene Platter

Garden dreams

Cermes is favoured by the sun. There is almost no other place in South Tyrol, which enjoys as many hours of sunshine as we do and the wonderful season for sitting outside lasts almost all year round here. You can leap into the pool in May without plunging into the shock of cold water and until September, or even longer, if the weather stays fine, the swimming pool season is open with us.

We are also very fond of our newly laid out Feng Shui garden. Little paths and steps, a small herb and vegetable garden, a wealth of splendid plants are hidden behind cosy resting places. Here you can give yourself up, unnoticed, to enjoying the South Tyrol sunshine, possibly with a good book with the quiet murmuring of the little stream in your ear. It is difficult to resist the temptation to snooze gently in the open air.

The well-tended inner courtyard with its 450 years of history, the typical South Tyrol splendour of flowers in front of the windows and the wonderful view from the farm over the whole of the Val d'Adige between Merano and Bolzano inspire many of our guests to spend their holiday days lazing: playing a bit of tennis, browsing in the small library, barbecuing in the garden and simply enjoying themselves.